Introducing AIRA 0.11


  • These packages are needed $ sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu libvirt-bin
  • You need an Ethereum account in kovan testnet
  • A small amount of Ether
  • Air tokens
  • USB-stick 16Gb and more, if you’re going to launch Aira on Raspberry Pi

It’s convenient to create an account in Metamask Chrome extension. You can ask @vourhey and @Pad1a_evil in Telegram for Ether and Air tokens.

Obtaining Aira

Go to and download the latest raw image.

Obtain image


$ xz --decompress aira-nixos-x86_64.img.xz

Burn the image to the USB flash drive (optional)

$ dd if=aira-nixos-x86_64.img of=/dev/sde status=progress

DD img

Launch in emulator

$ qemu-kvm -m 2G aira-nixos-x86_64.img

Launch img

Enter user name user and password user

Enter username and password

Wait until parity syncronization is finished. Open logs to check if it’s done

$ journalctl -u parity -f

Pairty's logs

If you see Imported... parity is ready. Go to Dapp and buy a futures. For example B futures was bought for 3 Air below

First buy

Look to the logs

$ journalctl -u railway-market-switch -f

Railway-market-switch's logs

You can see the order was closed on the last row. Market B is RIGHT, market A is LEFT. Let’s buy a futures on market A so it would have a higher price

Second buy

The train should change its direction


Look to the logs
