Lesson 4: Fundraising

Difficulty: medium.

These DAO Modules will be created:

  • ShareSale

These Aira DAO Modules will be used:

  • Aira BuilderShareSale (abi)
  • Shareholder token (abi)
  • ShareSale (abi)
  • Ether funds (abi)

Lesson Description

As a DAO creator, you can emit more shares. You may need to do that if you need additional ETH investment. In order to do that in a way that is safe for all parties, you need to use the Aira BuilderShareSale builder that can be found in DAO factory.

Please specify these arguments:

  • Receiver address
  • Ether funds contract address
  • Shareholder token contract address
  • Price of a single share (in Wei).

After a ShareSale contract is created:

  • Send shares from the seller account (Shareholder token contract) to the ShareSale contract.
  • Calculate the ETH amount needed (the share count * price of a single share) and send it from the buyer account to ShareSale.
  • Check that the ETH is received by the seller account in Ether funds contract.
  • Check that tokens are received by the buyer account in Shareholder token contract.

Notice: the shares will be received by the address that sent ETH to ShareSale! Do not forget that.

Skill test

Complete this lesson and get 100 ABT tokens!

To complete this lesson you need to sell your shares and receive ETH. Then call the Execute() function of the Lesson 4 contract. Please specify the ShareSale contract address.