Lesson 12: Crowdfunding

Difficulty: high.

These DAO Modules will be created:

  • Crowdfunding

These Aira DAO Modules will be used:

  • BuilderCrowdfunding (abi)
  • TokenEmission. It holds DAO credit tokens.
  • Crowdfunding. It takes ETH and returns DAO credit tokens.

Lesson Description

The primary goal of any DAO is to increase the liquidity of it's internal currency by adding new proposals. To stimulate the market you need to invest in value providers. You'll need a lot of money for that. We can emit and sell internal currency (at a fixed price). That is called crowdfunding.


  • Call DAO factory for the Aira BuilderCrowdfunding contract. You should pass the following:

  • _fund - congress address

  • _bounty - DAO credit address
  • _reference - whitepaper reference
  • _startBlock - funding start block number
  • _stopBlock - funding stop block number
  • _minValue - minimal funded value in wei
  • _maxValue - maximal funded value in wei
  • _scale - bounty scaling factor by funded value
  • _startRatio - initial bounty ratio
  • _reductionStep - bounty reduction step in blocks
  • _reductionValue - bounty reduction value
  • _client - congress address

Crowdfunding contract should be owner of DAO credit to emisse tokens

Specify the max.amount of funds equals 5 ETH to complete this lesson.

After a contract is created, please send DAO credit the tokens.

Skill test

Complete this lesson and get 200 ABT tokens!

To complete this lesson you need to send 5 ETH from any account (that later will be the owner of the new DAO credit tokens). Then call Execute() function of Lesson 12 contract.