
Parity service allows you to configure and to enable Ethereum's parity client.


  • enable - should be true to enable the service
  • warp - true or false. It makes client to synchronize only last few blocks and remain part in background. Default true
  • chain - string, chain name. Could be olympic, frontier, homestead, mainnet, morden, ropsten, classic, expanse, testnet, kovan or dev. Default mainnet
  • autoSign.enable - true or false. If true it tells to client to create a new account with password given in autoSign.passwordFile. Default true
  • autoSign.passwordFile - string, path to file with password. Default /var/lib/parity/psk
  • user - string. User name from which the sircive is launched. Default parity
  • extraOptions - array of strings. Any acceptable parity's options


To enable parity client in test network kovan we could do these changes in configuration.nix:

services.parity.enable = true;
services.parity.chain = "kovan";
services.parity.autoSign.enable = false;