Server configuration

NixOS is installed on server

  1. Connect by ssh
  2. Add the channel and binary cache
     $ nix-channel --add
     $ nix-channel --update
  3. Edit configuration.nix
     networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 4001 30303 ];
     networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 30303 42000 ];
     nix.binaryCaches = [ ];
       nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "" ];
         # Cjdns routing service.
         services.cjdns = {
           enable = true;
           ETHInterface = {
             bind = "all";
             beacon = 1;
           UDPInterface = {
             bind = "";
             connectTo = {
               # FR/Strasbourg
               "" = {
                 password = "cr36pn2tp8u91s672pw2uu61u54ryu8";
                 publicKey = "35mdjzlxmsnuhc30ny4rhjyu5r1wdvhb09dctd1q5dcbq6r40qs0.k";
  4. Update with new configurationО
     $ nixos-rebuild switch
  5. Install parity, ipfs
     $ nix-env -i parity-1.8.2 ipfs
  6. Mount /storage from RaspberryPi locally. Use the address from cjdns configuration step
     $ sshfs pi@[<IPv6>]:/storage storage/
  7. Create new parity account
     $ parity --chain ropsten account new
  8. Save the password
     $ echo “*********” > pass
  9. Send ETH to the account from step 7
  10. Send ETH to 0xC00Fd9820Cd2898cC4C054B7bF142De637ad129A smart-contract. It will send WETH back to you according your ETH value. Also you need to get utility token (0x5df531240f97049ee8d28a8e51030a3b5a8e8ce4). You can ask for it Airalab's engineers.
  11. Launch Parity
    $ parity --chain ropsten --unlock <account> --password pass
  12. Launch IPFS
    $ ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment
    $ ipfs pubsub sub aira_market
  13. Launch robonomics_market
    $ source .nix-profile/setup.bash
    $ roslaunch robonomics_market market.launch
  14. Launch robonomics_liability
    $ roslaunch robonomics_liability liability.launch
  15. You are needed a script to publish the data to IPFS (
    $ ./